Call site 'ref'

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Sun Jan 15 14:32:25 PST 2012

On 01/15/2012 11:10 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 01/15/2012 02:36 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't know how many times I've made the mistake of passing a local
>> variable to a function which takes a 'ref' parameter. Suddenly, local
>> variables/fields are just mutating out of nowhere, because it's not at
>> all obvious that a function you're calling is taking a 'ref' parameter.
>> This is particularly true for std.utf.decode().
> Odd. I always thought the fact that std.utf.decode modifies the second
> parameter is very intuitive. (decoding cannot work nicely without it)
>> Yes, I realize I could look at the function declaration. Yes, I could
>> read the docs too. But that doesn't prevent me from forgetting that a
>> function takes a 'ref' parameter, and then doing the mistake again. The
>> damage is done, and the time is wasted.
> This is true for every part of a function interface. How can a
> programmer even understand what the function does if he forgets what the
> calling conventions are? Conversely, does a reminder of the calling
> conventions usually restore full knowledge of the semantics of the
> called function?
>> I think D should allow 'ref' on call sites to prevent these mistakes.
>> For example:
>> string str = ...;
>> size_t pos;
>> auto chr = std.utf.decode(str, ref pos);
>> Now it's much more obvious that the parameter is passed by reference and
>> is going to be mutated.
>> Ideally, this would not be optional, but rather *required*, but I
>> realize that such a change would break a *lot* of code, so that's
>> probably not a good idea.
>> Thoughts?
> I personally think 'ref' at call site is pure syntax noise but I see
> that it might be useful to some in some cases. I'd prefer to leave it
> as-is, but I don't feel very strongly for either way.
> My preference would be
> [not allowed > enforced > ... > optional > optional with switch]
> However, it is very important not to do this to 'lazy'.
> Another thing that would have to be discussed: what happens to const ref
> parameters? It is very reasonable that someone will decide to change
> calling conventions from by value to by const ref or the other way round
> after profiling. It is very convenient that such a change is
> syntactically transparent to the caller and this should stay.
> It is even realistic that someone will decide to interchange by ref/by
> value, because there is no way to express 'I will not change the head
> level' in the current type system other than taking a parameter by
> value. Therefore introducing call-site ref would perhaps necessitate
> re-introducing 'final' for variables.

Oh, and furthermore it would give rise to abominations such as:

auto ref wrap(alias foo,T...)(auto ref T args){
     return foo(auto ref args);

*shudder*. What does 'auto ref' even mean if 'ref' is required for ref 
parameters at call site? I think the best answers would silently break 
existing code.

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