Do we need Win95/98/Me support?

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Mon Jan 23 14:05:52 PST 2012

On 23/01/2012 00:23, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> Except that druntime and Phobos use those APIs. So, it matters. And since the
> number of people using pre-Win2K is extremely low, I see that as a complete
> non-issue.

In the cases where this is unavoidable, it can be dealt with by documenting which bits of 
druntime and Phobos require WinXP+ so that programmers wishing to support Win2k or below 
can avoid using them.

> The next version of Windows beyond that that it would be useful to be able to
> say that we don't support anything older than is Vista. I would _love_ to be
> able to do that Vista is the oldest that we support, because Vista added a
> bunch of useful API calls and the like. But we obviously can't do that anytime
> soon. The user base for XP is huge. The same can't be said of pre-Win2K.

Indeed, I'm inclined to think WinXP is still the most used OS now.


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