automated C++ binding generation.. Booost D, NO , Not us. SIMD is more important.

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Wed Jan 25 13:38:58 PST 2012

The Json parsing I've initially attempted was a mistake. I've assumed
the XML parsing would be harder than necessary, but I ended up
fighting wxPhp's arbitrary Json output (arrays holding objects of
different types.. which is no good for D, or my sanity).

Yesterday I've started working on xml parsing instead (using Vladimir
Panteelev's xml library) and now I have a full script that parses wx
doxygen files in pretty much the same way as the wxPhp script
(although the syntax is much nicer to work with).

I'm now in the process of testing the entire output to verify that
I've parsed the xml files correctly and loaded all the info in the
same way as wxPhp's xml script (basically I'm going to do some printf

Once that is done I can begin working on porting the source_maker
script (obviously I can skip the Json part altogether since I have the
structures in memory already).

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