Making uniform function call syntax more complete a feature

Tommi tommitissari at
Thu Jul 12 05:43:22 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 12 July 2012 at 10:05:16 UTC, Thiez wrote:
> Have you considered adding operator overloading using UFCS 
> while you're at it?

I assumed it's already possible to add operators non-intrusively, 
because operators are just syntactic sugar for method calls:

++var;              // actual code
var.opUnary!"++"(); // lowered once
opUnary!"++"(var);  // lowered twice (if necessary)

If you're talking about overloading existing operators (which 
have been implemented as member functions) non-intrusively for 
other types, then I don't know, doesn't it work?

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