Re-thinking D's modules

Dejan Lekic dejan.lekic at
Wed Jul 18 01:08:19 PDT 2012

There are several places for D module system to improve.
One thing we discussed in the past is the versioning, and as far 
as I remember, we did not come to any constructive conclusion.

Java has been criticised often for not having modules. Apparently 
Java 9 SE will have them, and in my humble opinion, Java 9 module 
system is going to be far more powerful (or perhaps better word 
would be USEFUL) than what D currently has.

More about Java Jigsaw:

Why is this better? - Speaking from a (senior) software engineer 
point of view, Java Jigsaw is engineered for large systems where 
versioning, module-dependency, and module-restrictions are very 

I do not like few things about Jigsaw, but most of the things 
they plan there simply make sense, especially the versioning and 
module-restrictions, which I urge D developers to take a look and 
come up with something similar for D2 or D3... This is extremely 
useful, and will be even more useful once we have shared 
libraries where we can have N different shared libraries that 
contain the same module, but different version of it...

Kind regards

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