
Brad Anderson eco at
Thu Jul 26 17:10:30 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 26 July 2012 at 23:59:13 UTC, Stuart wrote:
> I'm quite new to D, and I've just been reading the guides. I 
> just wanted to say I'm very impressed with some of the features 
> I'm reading about. Slices, closures, the scope keyword(!!!), 
> class variable initialisers, anonymous array literals, array 
> concatenation, synchronisation... even decent exception support 
> is a breath of fresh air compared to C++.
> I'm primarily a .NET coder these days, but sometimes you really 
> need more performance. Writing an OpenGL game in VB.NET is just 
> pointless - it doesn't execute fast enough to be of any use, 
> even using display lists. So, next time I need something a 
> little more C-like, I'll be loading up D straight away.
> I have a couple of questions though. Why does the VisualD 
> plugin crash Visual Studio if I double-click a .sln file in 
> Windows Explorer? I mean, every single time? I'm using VS2010 
> on Windows 7 64-bit; and the problem only happens with D 
> projects, and only when loading an .sln file by association. If 
> I load VS and use the menu to open the solution, it works fine.
> Why does D have GOTO? I haven't used GOTO in over a decade, 
> because it's truly evil.
> How good is the Entice Designer? I'd like to write some GUI 
> apps in D, but I need to know that the designer won't fall over 
> halfway through; and I'll be damned if I'm writing my GUI code 
> by hand. Even MFC programmers have a "dialog designer".
> One thing I really think D ought to have is iterators, like 
> VB.NET and C# have. Trust me, they're really damn useful. Any 
> chance of them being implemented? The implementation of .NET 
> iterators is well-known and fairly straightforward; all we need 
> is compiler support.

D uses ranges instead of iterators. You can read more about them 

I find ranges to be a vast improvement over iterators personally 
(I use iterators extensively in C++ for my job and lament not 
having ranges regularly).

Brad Anderson

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