D language and .NET platform

Alex Rønne Petersen alex at lycus.org
Sun Jul 29 08:33:25 PDT 2012

On 29-07-2012 17:30, EngineerSpock wrote:
> There is a couple of questions.
> 1. What about interoperability of D and .NET platform?

You should be able to write C routines in D that .NET's P/Invoke can call.

> 2. What is the difference between pure D and D for .NET?

D for .NET is dead because .NET is too limited to represent the 
language, so describing this isn't really worthwhile. :)

> 3. Can I write code on pure D and then compile it to MSIL and use it
> further in .NET environment?

No. Sorry to ruin your hope, but D on .NET is a dead end.

> 4. Are there many libraries for D? Can D just use C\C++ dll's without
> pain for programmer?
> Thank you in advance)))

Alex Rønne Petersen
alex at lycus.org

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