Segmented Ranges?

Alex Rønne Petersen alex at
Sat Jun 9 03:54:24 PDT 2012

On 09-06-2012 12:45, bearophile wrote:
> Often enough you have to perform operations on some non-flat sequence,
> like on a 2D matrix:
> import std.stdio;
> void main() {
> auto m1 = [[], [2, 5], [], [10, 20], [], [], [30, 40, 50]];
> foreach (row; m1)
> foreach (x; row)
> writeln(x);
> }
> Such multi-level ranges are common. But a Range (below an Input Range)
> that works on a generic multi level Range is slower than the two nested
> for loops because it needs to keep attention to the exhaustion of the
> sub-ranges at every iteration (see popFront):
> import std.stdio, std.traits, std.array, std.range, std.algorithm;
> struct BilevelScan(Range) {
> private Range range;
> typeof(range.front) currentSegment;
> this(Range range_) {
> this.range = range_;
> _nextItem();
> }
> @property bool empty() {
> return range.empty && currentSegment.empty;
> }
> @property auto front() {
> return currentSegment.front;
> }
> void popFront() {
> currentSegment.popFront();
> _nextItem();
> }
> private void _nextItem() {
> while (!range.empty && currentSegment.empty) {
> currentSegment = range.front;
> range.popFront();
> }
> }
> }
> void main() { // some test code
> auto m1 = [[], [2, 5], [], [10, 20], [], [], [30, 40, 50]];
> foreach (x; BilevelScan!(typeof(m1))(m1))
> writeln(x);
> writeln(m1, "\n");
> auto m2 = [[10.5]];
> foreach (x; BilevelScan!(typeof(m2))(m2))
> writeln(x);
> writeln(m2, "\n");
> auto m3 = 6.iota().map!(i => iota(10 ^^ i + i, 10 ^^ i + i + 3))();
> foreach (x; BilevelScan!(typeof(m3))(m3))
> writeln(x);
> writeln(m3, "\n");
> }
> In the paper "Segmented Iterators and Hierarchical Algorithms" Matthew
> H. Austern offers a solution to regain the lost efficiency:
> http://

I think your NNTP client ate a link. ;)

> Some quotations from the paper:
>> segmented data structures are common. Within the STL, for example, the
>> deque container is typically implemented as a segmented array, and
>> hash tables [6] are typically implemented as arrays of buckets. Other
>> examples of segmentation include two-dimensional matrices, graphs,
>> files in record-based file systems, and, on modern NUMA (non-uniform
>> memory architecture) multiprocessor machines, even ordinary memory.<
>> A segmented iterator has the same associated types as any other
>> iterator (a value type, for example), and, additionally, it has an
>> associated segment iterator type and local iterator type. Writing a
>> generic algorithm that uses segmented iterators requires the ability
>> to name those types. Additionally, a fully generic algorithm ought to
>> be usable with both segmented and nonsegmented iterators.<
>> The distinction between segmented and nonsegmented iterators is
>> orthogonal to the distinction between Forward Iterators, Bidirectional
>> Iterators, and Random Access Iterators.<
>> Multiple levels of segmentation can be used with no extra effort.
>> Nothing in this discussion, or this implementation of fill, assumes
>> that the local iterator is nonsegmented.<
>> Segmented iterators, an extension of ordinary STL iterators, make it
>> possible for generic algorithms to treat a segmented data structure as
>> something other than a uniform range of elements. This allows existing
>> algorithms to operate more efficiently on segmented data structures,
>> and provides a natural decomposition for parallel computation.
>> Segmented iterators enable new kinds of generic algorithms that
>> explicitly depend on segmentation.<
> In D the concept of Input Range is defined as a type that statically
> supports (there is also some necessary semantics that can't be expressed
> in the D code of such concepts):
> R r; // can define a range object
> if (r.empty) {} // can test for empty
> r.popFront(); // can invoke popFront()
> auto h = r.front; // can get the front of the range of non-void type
> So an idea is to introduce in D the multi-level Ranges:
> SegmentedInputRange
> SegmentedOutputRange
> SegmentedForwardRange
> SegmentedBidirectionalRange
> SegmentedRandomAccessRange
> I think a Segmented Input Range is more complex than an Input Range.
> Inventing such ranges is like finding the miminal set of axioms that
> allow to write down a theorem, that is to efficiently implement the
> normal algorithms. This is not an easy for me, I don't know much about
> this topic.
> Bye,
> bearophile

Alex Rønne Petersen
alex at

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