Template Interface

Nick Treleaven nospam at example.net
Wed Jun 13 06:34:25 PDT 2012

On 12/06/2012 18:56, Nathan M. Swan wrote:
> When writing a generic function which takes an unknown type, the
> signature is written like so:
> void fun(L)(L l) if (isList!L);
> While writing a generic interface is written like so:
> template isList(L) {
> enum bool isList = is(typeof(
> (inout int _dummy=0)

The above line seems unnecessary as we have {no_argument_lambda;} syntax 
- or is there a special reason why?

> {
> L l;
> if (l.nil) {}
> auto e = l.car;
> l = l.cdr;
> ));
> }

BTW I think Walter said we could have enum template syntax, which would 
improve the above a little:

enum bool isList(L) = is(typeof(...

> This doesn't seem very intuitive to me. OOP languages handle this with
> interfaces, but in D for things like ranges we often use structs, making
> it incompatible with the current "interface."

A possible enhancement is to allow structs to implement interfaces (but 
this has a runtime cost, unlike using templates).

> I'm suggesting something like a "template interface", which is
> compatible with all types, and serves as a placeholder for any type for
> which the body compiles:
> void fun(List!string l);

void fun(L:IList)(L l);

template interface IList(E) {

> template interface List(E) : List {
> List!E l;
> E e = l.car;
> }
> It makes writing generic code much cleaner.

I'm not quite sure what the ': List' part means - is it just to declare 
that the List struct is used below?

Maybe it would be better for the template interface body to contain 
method signatures/members rather than code?

I think it might be an interesting idea, but it would probably need to 
be significantly better than the current way with constraints to get 
adopted by D.


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