How to break const

Christophe Travert travert at
Wed Jun 20 00:31:03 PDT 2012

Artur Skawina , dans le message (digitalmars.D:170191), a écrit :
>> The proper way to do this is not cast, it is to give the proper 
>> constness for all types and methods :
>>    struct S {
>>       int i; this(int i) { this.i = i; }
>>       T* p; 
>>       void f(int i) const { this.i = i; /*p.i++;*/ }
>> // the commented part is illegal because S.f is const

I missed that. Then I disagree with your use of delegates. The solution 
here is to make the free f function to take a non const T*, since the 
function tries to modify variables from that T instance (via a 

I don't mind if the delegate modify an S or a T instance: it should not 
modify anything. You use a delegate to store an S structure that you can 
modifiy in a const T. This is only one step to consider the following 

struct T {
  ref int delegate() _i;
  this(int i_) { _i = () => i_ }
  @property ref int i() const { return _i(); }

void foo(const T*)
  T.i = 10;

Would you say that this is not a problem, since you do not modify a T 
instance with that delegate?

I prefer to legalise:
struct T
  mutable int i; // makes modifying i legal, but prevent instanciating 
                 // an immutable T and several optimizations

> Only a const T.f would be pointless.
I would allows you to safely call that delegate from a const T instance.

> Like I've already said twice in this thread - it *can* be done (the
> function has to be "pure" too for it to work), but certain delegate
> uses, which are OK now, would be forbidden.
> I'm all for fixing this hole - it's just that the proposed "fix" would
> have consequences, which can't simply be ignored.
> Language design is not a game of whack-a-mole, where you ban random
> features left and right, because you think you've noticed a problem,
> without properly identifying it nor spending even a single second
> figuring out the implications.

I completely agree with that. And I'm fine with the current situation: 
you trust the programmer not to use delegates to break the const system 
until we have a proper system to deal with this (inference of constness 
of delegates, for a start). But encouraging the use of delegates to 
modify variables from a const instance seems wrong to me.


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