How do I submit documentation...

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at
Sat Jun 23 17:59:40 PDT 2012

On Sunday, 24 June 2012 at 00:40:08 UTC, Chad J wrote:

> So how about it, all-encompassing D git repo and buildscripts 
> please?

The problem is, the documentation/website is built from the 
source code. The source code doesn't rely on the website, though 
you may need the in development dmd to build Phobos. dmd does not 
need Phobos. So while, better, you'd still just end up with a 
single repository with three submodules which would need 
downloaded. Or two repositories, on for the Phobos/dmd dependency 
then another for the website/phobos/dmd dependency.

Directory structure.

cwd: /path/to/some/place

dmd actually doesn't matter, you'll have to convince your 
environment to use the one you build though.

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