Get rid of isInfinite()?

Christophe Travert travert at
Tue Jun 26 00:49:19 PDT 2012

"Mehrdad" , dans le message (digitalmars.D:170697), a écrit :
> On Monday, 25 June 2012 at 23:03:59 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> You could store those elements internally as you iterate over 
>> them
> That's *precisely* the point of my wrapper... sorry if that 
> wasn't clear.
> Why shouldn't that be sufficient for making it random-access?
>> If you can somehow figure out how to do that via buffering, 
>> then you could make it a forward range as well as whatever 
>> other range types you could define the functions for, but you'd 
>> have to figure out a way to define save.
> OK, now we're at the same place. :P
> What I'm saying is, I __CAN__ get the buffering to work.
> What I __cannot__ figure out what to do with is 'length'... I 
> can't think of anything reasonable to return, since it's not 
> infinite (which I might represent as ulong.max, if anything) but 
> it's unbounded.
> So the _ONLY_ problem I'm running into right now is length() -- 
> any ideas how I could fix that?

I you are planning to buffer all input as you read it to enable 
random-access, then you should better read the whole file in your buffer 
from the start and get done with it, since you will end up having read 
the whole file in the buffer at the end...


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