Curl on Windows

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at
Thu Mar 1 05:31:37 PST 2012

Am 27.02.2012, 03:15 Uhr, schrieb Brad Roberts <braddr at>:

> […] non-windows can suggest how to install via the standard package managers […]

On Gentoo USE flags handle such cases. They enable additional dependencies on Curl, Python, zlib or whatever may be used with the installed package. Often these flags directly relate to calling "./configure --enable/disable-flag" in the extracted source of the program and pulling a required library into the dependencies list.
Now I know that DMD uses a plain Makefile, but it would be nice if Phobos compiled without curl installed. If not, that's no problem either and curl would just become a static dependency for DMD. That's already the case for LibreOffice, GoogleEarth, cmake and gnupg, to name a few programs I have installed. Git and Gimp have curl as an optional dependency OTOH.

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