DustMite updated

Chad J chadjoan at __spam.is.bad__gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 10:43:39 PST 2012

On 03/04/2012 12:04 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 3/4/12, Vladimir Panteleev<vladimir at thecybershadow.net>  wrote:
>> I pushed out another large update today.
> I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait for my next ICE to
> try it out. :p

Here's one for DMD 2.057.  Knock yourself out ;)

(As I mentioned in my other post, I can't build DustMite right now, or 
I'd do it myself.  But if you want one...)

chad at Hugin ~/dprojects/database $ dmd ice.d
Internal error: e2ir.c 683

import std.stdio;

scope class Query(string queryText)
	static class Entity
		private static size_t bufSize = 0;
		private static size_t[string] offsets;
		private static size_t registerField(T)(string varName)
			auto offset = bufSize;
			offsets[varName] = offset;
			bufSize += T.sizeof;
			return offset;
		private void[] buf;
		class fld(T,string varName)
			T opCall()
				auto i1 = offsets[varName];
				return cast(T)buf[i1 .. i1 + T.sizeof];
			static this()
			buf = new void[bufSize];
			writefln("offsets = %s\n", offsets);
			delete buf;
	Entity e;
		e = new Entity();

void main()
	scope query = new Query!(
		"FROM contacts c"
		"WHERE c.country = 'US'"
		"AND   c.sales > 10000;")();
	auto entity = query.e;
	//foreach(entity; query)
		auto email_addy = entity.fld!(char[],"email")();
		auto full_name = entity.fld!(char[],"name")();
		//Email.spam(email_addy, full_name, "We have this great new offer for 

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