Review of Jose Armando Garcia Sancio's std.log

Jose Armando Garcia jsancio at
Tue Mar 6 18:12:54 PST 2012

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 6:05 PM, Geoffrey Biggs
<geoffrey.biggs at> wrote:
> On 07/03/12 09:59, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> I don't see why the agitation around this particular matter. It's a
>> matter of convenience, much like writeln (as opposed to just write).
>> Let's admit that it often happens that you want to log some troublesome
>> stuff just before throwing an exception with essentially the same
>> message, so the thing is shown on the screen and also persisted in the
>> log. Without a critical level, the pattern would be:
>> string message = stuff() + ": " + moreStuff();
>> log.error(message);
>> throw new Exception(message);
>> It's nice to encapsulate this frequent pattern, hence:
>> log.critical(stuff() + ": " + moreStuff());
>> If you want to log but not throw, use log.error. I don't think the
>> response "dont use those libraries either" is meaningful.
> That approach means that if I actually do have a fatal error, I can't mark
> it as such. It gets conflated with the non-fatal errors, both in the source
> and in the logging output (which may, for example, be filtering for fatal
> errors to phone someone in the middle of the night while errors just send an
> email). Another point worth considering is that I cannot use the fatal level
> and be able to re-compile my software with logging disabled, because that
> will change the program flow.
Fatal and Critical severity cannot be disabled either at runtime or at
compile. In other words fatal log messages will always assert(true)
and critical log messages will always throw.

> Forcing the two semantic concepts (logging and error handling) together
> needlessly restricts the ways the library can be used. It is nice to
> encapsulate frequent patterns, but providing a convenience function that
> throws an error, or a new level ("terminate" or something) is a better
> approach than forcing that pattern on everyone. Based on the name, it's a
> *logging* library, not an error handling library.
Fatal and critical are these convenience functions.

> Geoff

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