some regex vs std.ascii vs handcode times

Jay Norwood jayn at
Sun Mar 18 21:12:31 PDT 2012

I'm timing operations processing 10 2MB text files in parallel.  
I haven't gotten to the part where I put the words in the map, 
but I've done enough through this point to say a few things about 
the measurements.

This first one took 1ms, which tells me that the taskPool tasks 
are doing a good job, and this will not be a problem.

// do nothing
//finished! time: 1 ms
void wcp_nothing(string fn)


This second one was just to read in the files to get a baseline. 
One surpise, seen later is that the byChunk actually completed 
faster by several ms.

// read files
//finished! time: 31 ms
void wcp_whole_file(string fn)
	auto input =;

On the other end of the spectrum is the byLine version of the 
read.  So this is way too slow to be promoting in our examples, 
and if anyone is using this in the code you should instead read 
chunks ... maybe 1MB like in my example later below, and then 
split up the lines yourself.

// read files by line ... yikes! don't want to do this
//finished! time: 485 ms
void wcp_byLine(string fn)
	auto f = File(fn);
	foreach(line; f.byLine(std.string.KeepTerminator.yes)){

Ok, this was the good surprise.  Reading by chunks was faster 
than reading the whole file, by several ms.

// read files by chunk ...!better than full input
//finished! time: 23 ms
void wcp_files_by_chunk(string fn)
	auto f = File(fn);
	foreach(chunk; f.byChunk(1_000_000)){

So this is doing the line count while reading chunks.  It is back 
to the same time as the read of full input.  It is ok though 
since it would avoid issues with reading in a really big file.  
So the final thing will probably use this rather than the full 
input read version.  But for now I'm going to read the full input 
for the other tests.

// read lc by chunk ...same as full input
//finished! time: 34 ms
void wcp_lc_bychunk (string fn)
	ulong l_cnt;
	auto f = File(fn);
	foreach(chunk; f.byChunk(1_000_000)){
			if (c=='\n')

There doesn't appear to be any significant overhead to reading 
dchar vs char.  I haven't looked at the code (or decode) 
underneath.  I presume it is decoding and expanding into dchar...

// read dchar lc by chunk ...same
//finished! time: 34 ms
void wcp_dchar(string fn)
	ulong l_cnt;
	auto f = File(fn);
	foreach(chunk; f.byChunk(1_000_000)){
		foreach(dchar c;chunk){
			if (c=='\n')

So here is some surprise ... why is regex 136ms vs 34 ms hand 

// count lines with regex
//finished! time: 136 ms
void wcp_lines_with_regex(string fn)
	string input = cast(string);
	auto rx = regex("\n");
	ulong l_cnt;
	foreach(e; splitter(input, rx))
		l_cnt ++;

So this is faster than the non-compiled regex, but still slower 
than hand code, which was in the 35 ms range.  Also, the 
documentation implies that the "g" flag should have read in all 
the matches at once, but when I tested for that, the length from 
the result of a single call to match was always 1.  So I think it 
must be broken.

// count lines with compiled ctRegex matcher
//finished! time: 97 ms
void wcp_ctRegex(string fn)
	string input = cast(string);
	enum ctr =  ctRegex!("\n","g");
	ulong l_cnt;
	foreach(m; match(input,ctr))
		l_cnt ++;

//count lines with char match, this or the one with chunks about 
the same
//finished! time: 34 ms
void wcp_char(string fn)
	string input = cast(string);
	ulong l_cnt;
	foreach(c; input)
		if (c == '\n')
		l_cnt ++;

This is the fastest of the word finders, maybe by 40ms, which is 
meaningful if you project to larger tasks.  This is similar to 
the code used in the u++ benchmark processing of  alice.txt.  
Never mind the line counts for now.  I'm just wanting to measure 
the word count impact separately.

//find words using pointers
//finished! time: 110 ms
void wcp_pointer(string fn)
	string input = cast(string);
	ulong w_cnt;
	char c;
	auto p = input.ptr;
	auto pe = p+input.length;
		c = *p;

		if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ||
			c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
			auto st = p++;
			while (p<pe){
				c = *p;
				if 	(!(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ||
					 c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ||
					 c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
			auto wpend = p;

Ok, this is way too slow with both ctRegex and with regex, and so 
again I think there is something broken with the greedy flag 
since moving it outside the foreach only returned a length of 1 
in both cases.

// count words with compiled ctRegex matcher !way too slow
//finished! time: 1299 ms for ctRegex
//finished! time: 2608 ms for regex
void wcp_words_ctRegex
(string fn)
	string input = cast(string);
	enum ctr =  regex("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*","g");
	ulong w_cnt;
	foreach(m; match(input,ctr))
		//auto s = m.hit;
		w_cnt ++;

Using slices is slower than the pointer version previously by 
about 40ms.  I turned off the range checking in this release 
build, so that doesn't explain it.

//find words with slices .. ok this is slower by a bunch
//finished! time: 153 ms
void wcp_word_slices(string fn)
	string input = cast(string);
	ulong w_cnt;
	while (!input.empty)
		auto c = input[0];
   		if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ||
			c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
			auto word = input;
  			foreach(j,char w ;input){
				if 	(!(w >= 'a' && w <= 'z' ||
					   w >= 'A' && w <= 'Z' ||
					   w >= '0' && w <= '9'))
					word = input[0..j];
					input = input[j..$];
		else input = input[1..$];

Note that using std.ascii.isXx is actually calling a function, 
which I find surprising with all the template code emphasis.  
Note that that it added another 80ms vs the in-line code above.  
So I would say provide a mixin template for this, because it is 
currently being reused by several libraries.

//find words with std.ascii.isAlpha and isAlphaNum .. worse
//finished! time: 232 ms
void wcp_std_ascii (string fn)
	string input = cast(string);
	ulong w_cnt;
	while (!input.empty)
		auto c = input[0];
   		if (std.ascii.isAlpha(c))
			auto word = input;
  			foreach(j,char w ;input){
				if 	(!std.ascii.isAlphaNum(w))
					word = input[0..j];
					input = input[j..$];
		else input = input[1..$];

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