Proposal: user defined attributes

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Mon Mar 19 14:51:45 PDT 2012

On 3/19/12, Jacob Carlborg <doob at> wrote:
> Yeah, but that will complicate the retrieval of the information.

What is so complicated about extracting fields? Just iterate via .tupleof:

module test;

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

struct Foo
    int x;
    string name;
    mixin NonSerialized!name;
    string lastName;
    mixin NonSerialized!lastName;
    string extra;

mixin template NonSerialized(alias field)
    mixin("enum __attribute_nonSerialized_" ~ field.mangleof ~ ";");

string serialize(T)(T input)
    string result;

    foreach (i, field; input.tupleof)
        static if (skipSerialize!(T, input.tupleof[i].mangleof))
            result ~= to!string(typeof(field).init) ~ "\n";
            result ~= to!string(field) ~ "\n";

    return result;

template skipSerialize(T, string mangle)
	enum bool skipSerialize = __traits(hasMember, T,
"__attribute_nonSerialized_" ~ mangle);

void main()
    Foo foo = Foo(10, "Foo", "Bar", "Doo");
    string bin = serialize(foo);

And by using .init instead of just skipping serialization altogether
you can unserialize at a later point even if you end up removing some
of the mixins, so you can have some binary-compatibility there.

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