TypeInfo of arrays of basic types.

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 17:08:04 PDT 2012

I was playing around with Variant and came across a very annoying 

     auto str_arr = Variant(["1", "2", "3"]);
     assert(cast(TypeInfo_Array)str_arr.type(), "This is fine");
     auto int_arr = Variant([1, 2, 3]);
     assert(cast(TypeInfo_Array)int_arr.type(), "This is broken");

While TypeInfo object of string[] is a TypeInfo_Array instance, 
TypeInfo of int[] isn't. Much to my surprise I found out that 
TypeInfo of int[] is a mysterious class TypeInfo_Ai and is 
actually a subclass of TypeInfo_Class:

     writefln("typeinfo of int[]: %s", 
     writefln("base class of typeinfo int[] %s", 

     // Outputs
     typeinfo of int[]: TypeInfo_Ai
     base class of typeinfo int[]: TypeInfo_Class

Googling didn't yield any relevant discussions, so I posted it 
here, although I'm pretty sure someone should have come across 
the problem in the past. Is this a fundamental issue with the 
runtime and compiler or is it a bug that can be fixed without 
breaking too much?

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