D dropped in favour of C# for PSP emulator

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Fri May 11 15:28:03 PDT 2012

On 05/11/2012 11:57 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> Then you do
> bool fun() { return cast(bool)(foo in bar); }
> It's not a big deal at all.

I didn't claim it was. Still, most issues people seem to have with D are 
trivial syntactic ones.

> It's just that if you expect in to return bool
> rather than a pointer, you're going to be surprised at what happens when you
> write a function like that rather than use it in an if condition.
> But since the documentation clearly states that it returns a pointer, it shouldn't
> really surprise anyone

I was surprised when I read the relevant parts of the documentation.

> - unless they failed to read either the documentation
> or TDPL and go completely off of what they _think_ the code should mean without
> actually reading anything which would teach them the language (which is a bad
> idea anyway).

Well I fully agree with that last point (having read the entire language 
documentation before the first attempt to install the compiler), but

1. that is perhaps not how the 'average programmer' works. it seems to
    be the case that many programmers who fail to rtfm blame the tool.
    (bringing up fuzzy terms like 'intuitive' to defend their pov)

2. 'in' is certainly a very non-descriptive name for what it does.
    It is similar to eg. naming subtraction '<'.

3. why are we always discussing syntax on this NG?

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