Should reduce take range as first argument?

Justin Whear justin at
Mon May 14 14:10:28 PDT 2012

In its current form, std.algorithm.reduce takes optional seed value(s) 
for the accumulator(s) as its first argument(s). This breaks the nice 
chaining effect made possible by UFCS:

auto foo = reduce!((string s, string x) => s ~= x)("BLAH",!(x => 

Doesn't work, but looks much nicer:
auto foo =!(x => x[1..$-1]))
               .reduce!((string s, string x) => s ~= x)("BLAH");

This could be fixed with a breaking change by making the subject range to 
be the first parameter. Aside from breaking existing code, are there 
other obstacles to changing this?

Justin Whear

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