[draft, proposal] Virtual template functions

Gor Gyolchanyan gor.f.gyolchanyan at gmail.com
Tue May 29 08:43:27 PDT 2012

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:59 PM, Dmitry Olshansky <dmitry.olsh at gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm reiterating prior info on the subject and provide some motivating
> examples. For those convinced of necessity of virtual function templates
> already - skip to the bottom ;)
> Ultimately template is a way to use the same source code for multiple
> entities (typically called instantiations).
> In the light of the above simple definition it's painfully obvious that if
> functions generated by template are final vs virtual is completely separate
> orthogonal matter.
> The fact that templates are final is rather a happenstance,
> "it's 'cause it's too hard, lad" kind of thing.
> The fundamental problem is that given an interface
> interface I
> {
>        TA funcA();
>        TB funcB();
>        TC funcC();
>        ...
> }
> compiler needs to plot _final_ layout of a v-table so that separate
> compilation works without hassle. (there are possible ways around it,
> though non-trivial and breaking current toolchains).
> Now since even constrained template technically can accommodate infinite
> number of instantiations it sure becomes problematic.
> But surely the template below has exactly X instantiations,
> since there is only X operators in the whole D language that are ever
> overloadable, X being constant (sorry didn't care to count).
> interface Matrix
> {
>        void opOpAssign(string op)(Matrix rhs);
> }
> And this one is even down to 3:
> interface Matrix
> {
>        void opOpAssign(string op)(Matrix rhs)
>        if(op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "*");
> }
> Of course, having compiler to deduce these kind of special cases can be
> described as a fragile hack at best. Thus a more clean and general solution
> is proposed.
> Before moving on to syntax and the feature itself. Another motivating
> example to illustrate a need for virtual functions to be templates.
> Though I'm you know a lot of uses cases as well, so feel free to skip it.
> Suppose you define Set as interface for sets, and provide some
> implementations of it like BitSet, HashSet, TreeSet, SparceSet.
> Now we are back to operator overloading, some might argue that having
> final operators is enough, it's not:
> interface Set(V, K)
> {
>        V get(K key);
>        void put(V value, K key);
>        void remove(K key);
>        //even opApply won't save us ;)
>        int opApply(scope delegate(K, V));
>        void opOpAssign(string op)(Set rhs)
>        {
>                //foreach(k, v; rhs)
>                //      remove(k);
>                //Okay, now try to be efficient, punk !
>                ...
>        }
> }
> It's immediately obvious that doing low-level operations via high-level
> primitives is no good. Certain combination of sets are obviously can be
> done faster. And for instance 2 small enough bitsets can be merged in a
> blink of an eye, (similar things for sparse set). And nobody is willing to
> give up speed nor polymorphism.
> (e.g. Set & Set should use the best overload for '&' for concrete sets at
> hand == virtual operator).
> The only current way is forwarding to virtual methods and that may work.
> Though templates and new operator overloading in particular aim to reduce
> amount of repetition and boilerplate.
> Enough of talk, to the proposal, synopsis is to enhance template
> declaration:
> T func(string id, T, Args...)(...)
>        if( ... ) //optional
>        for(    //optional
>                id : "a", "b", "c";
>                T: double, float;
>                Args : (int, int), (uint, int), (int, uint);
>        )//syntax debatable, 'for' is not ;)
> It would then instantate all of possible overloads immediately in this
> particular module.  (another use case for it is explicit instantiation for
> shared libraries)
> If it happens to be inside of class/interface the by default all of
> overloads would work as virtual.
> Other then this for implies the following if condition ANDed together to
> existing if clause if any:
> .... & (
> (id == "a" || id == "b" || id == "c") &&
> (is(T == double)|| is(T == float)) &&
> (
>                (is(Args[0] == int) && is(Args[1]==int))
>        ||      (is(Args[0] == uint) && is(Args[1]==int))
>        ||      (is(Args[0] == int) && is(Args[1]==uint))
> )
> )
> A remarkable boilerplate, underlines the fact that trying to have compiler
> to deduce all types from it for you is not realistic in general case.
> Of course the coma separated typelists can be constructed via
> meta-programming. In fact all tuples should be flattened (as is everywhere
> else).
> And that's it, so new 'for' clause for templates does:
>        - explicitly instantes entities, ensuring bounded number of
> instantiations (makes virtual possible)
>        - provides alternative sugar for 'if' syntax
>        - fits with the rest of language, via typetuple and meta-programming
>        - allows simple techniques to curb down accidental duck-typing
> --
> Dmitry Olshansky

This is a really awesome idea! Not only does it solve a lot of problems, it
also looks very intuitive and doesn't break existing code. If D was the
first language to have virtual template methods, that would be a huge
credit to the language!

Gor Gyolchanyan.
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