XOMB operating system

jerro a at a.com
Thu May 31 01:57:35 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 31 May 2012 at 03:04:58 UTC, tim krimm wrote:
> I have been looking at the xomb bare bones (XBB) source code.
> It looks like they have a bare bones library, no Phobos.
> They used ldc for their compiler.
> 1) Can the same things be done with the DMD version 2 compiler?
> 2) Will DMD work without the Phobos library?
> 3) What minimal set of modules do you need for DMD?

GDC has the -nophoboslib flag. So you can write a D file that 
doesn't use druntime or phobos:

extern(C) int puts(const char *);

extern(C) int main()
     puts("Hello world!");
     return 0;

and compile it with:

gdc -nophoboslib hello.d

The linker will complain about undefined reference to 
_Dmodule_ref. So you need to write a c file like with just "void* 
_Dmodule_ref;" in it and compile it to object file with gcc -c 
dummy.c. Then you can do

gdc -nophoboslib hello.d dummy.o

And it works.

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