Deimos submission - Nanopb

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Thu Nov 1 09:37:46 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 1 November 2012 at 15:23:35 UTC, David Nadlinger 
> You avoid having to flip the byte order at the application 
> level on the prevalent (at least in the domain where protobuf 
> is used) architectures that way.

Yes for platform native numbers, but not for ULEB - which is 
platform-independent and is read by the same (source) code on all 
platforms AFAIK. I see no gain for little endian platform here: 
registers work the same on BE and LE platforms. One could even 
say ULEB is intentionally incompatible with any platform so that 
you don't mess things up in homogeneous environment writing 
native ints into stream (which will break in heterogeneous 
environment). This was a design choice for exi to use ULEB for 
strings too instead of utf8.

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