Proposal for "Classic DList" (CDList)

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Tue Nov 6 12:13:38 PST 2012

On Tuesday, November 06, 2012 13:22:10 monarch_dodra wrote:
> On Tuesday, 6 November 2012 at 12:18:47 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
> > [SNIP]
> Still under construction of course. Still writting up docs and
> stuff.

Given some of the issues that std.container has, I'd honestly argue for just 
outright changing the containers in there if we need to, or at least making 
names like CDList temporary, and replace DList with it later rather than 
keeping the worse names around permanently.

One thing that came up recently in D.Learn ( ) is the 
fact that SList and DList make the unfortunate choice of having their insert* 
functions return the number of items inserted rather than a range starting at 
those elements like C++ would have done (std::list's insert* functions return 
iterators). In general, it's a royal pain to get at ranges to anything other 
than the whole list, and I think that while the basic API of std.container is 
good, a number of the functions need some tweaks if they're really going to be 
range-friendly. AFAIK, it's the first set of purely range-based containers, and 
I think that the result is still very rough around the edges due to a lack of 
experience with using ranges with containers instead of iterators.

std.container is a good start, but it still needs work. So, I think that it's 
great if you want to spend time trying to iron out some of the kinks in it.

- Jonathan M Davis

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