Compiler bug? (alias sth this; and std.signals)

Joe l0calh05t at
Mon Nov 12 03:59:49 PST 2012

Ok, i was trying out D and wanted to see if i could create 
something that behaves like a property but adds a change 
notification signal. Doing this, I encountered a hangup which 
might be a bug. So far I have the following:


import std.signals;
import std.stdio;

struct Property
	alias get this;
	int set(int v) { emit(); return data_ = v; }
	int get() { return data_; }
	int opAssign(int v) { return set(v); }
	mixin Signal!();

	int data_ = 0;

struct Foo
	Property prop;

class Observer
	void watch()
		writeln("Value change observed!");


This works:
void main()
	Foo f;
	Observer o = new Observer;
	f.prop = 7;

This also works:
void main()
	Foo f;
	Observer o = new Observer;
	f.prop = 7;

This never terminates:
void main()
	Foo f;
	Observer o = new Observer;
	f.prop = 7;

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