Something needs to happen with shared, and soon.

luka8088 luka8088 at
Mon Nov 12 15:25:16 PST 2012

Here i as wild idea:


void main () {

   mutex x;
   // mutex is not a type but rather a keyword
   // x is a symbol in order to allow
   // different x in different scopes

   shared(x) int i;
   // ... or maybe use UDA ?
   // mutex x must be locked
   // in order to change i

   synchronized (x) {
     // lock x in a compiler-aware way
     // compiler guarantees that i will not
     // be changed outside synchronized(x)



so I tried something similar with current implementation:


import std.stdio;

void main () {

   shared(int) i1;
   auto m1 = new MyMutex();

   // m1 must be locked in order to modify i1
   // i1++;
   // should throw a compiler error

   // sharedAccess(i1)++;
   // runtime exception, m1 is not locked

   synchronized (m1) {
     // ok, m1 is locked


// some generic code

import core.sync.mutex;

class MyMutex : Mutex {
   @property bool locked = false;
   @trusted void lock () {
     locked = true;
   @trusted void unlock () {
     locked = false;
   bool tryLock () {
     bool result = super.tryLock();
     if (result)
       locked = true;
     return result;

template unshared (T : shared(T)) {
   alias T unshared;

template unshared (T : shared(T)*) {
   alias T* unshared;

auto ref sharedAccess (T) (ref T value) {
   unshared!(T)* refVal = (cast(unshared!(T*)) &value);
   return *refVal;

MyMutex attachMutex (T) (T value, MyMutex mutex = null) {
   static __gshared MyMutex[T] mutexes;
   // this memory leak can be solved
   // but it's left like this to make the code simple
   synchronized if (value !in mutexes && mutex !is null)
     mutexes[value] = mutex;
   assert(mutexes[value] !is null);
   return mutexes[value];


and another example with methods:


import std.stdio;

class a {
   int i;
   void increment () { i++; }

void main () {

   auto a1 = new shared(a);
   auto m1 = new MyMutex();

   // m1 must be locked in order to modify a1
   // a1.increment();
   // compiler error

   // sharedAccess(a1).increment();
   // runtime exception, m1 is not locked

   synchronized (m1) {
     // ok, m1 is locked


// some generic code

import core.sync.mutex;

class MyMutex : Mutex {
   @property bool locked = false;
   @trusted void lock () {
     locked = true;
   @trusted void unlock () {
     locked = false;
   bool tryLock () {
     bool result = super.tryLock();
     if (result)
       locked = true;
     return result;

template unshared (T : shared(T)) {
   alias T unshared;

template unshared (T : shared(T)*) {
   alias T* unshared;

auto ref sharedAccess (T) (ref T value) {
   unshared!(T)* refVal = (cast(unshared!(T*)) &value);
   return *refVal;

MyMutex attachMutex (T) (T value, MyMutex mutex = null) {
   static __gshared MyMutex[T] mutexes;
   // this memory leak can be solved
   // but it's left like this to make the code simple
   synchronized if (value !in mutexes && mutex !is null)
     mutexes[value] = mutex;
   assert(mutexes[value] !is null);
   return mutexes[value];


In any case, if shared itself does not provide locking and does not 
fixes problems but only points them out (not to be misunderstood, I 
completely agree with that) then I think that assigning a mutex to the 
variable is a must.

Aldo latter examples already work with current implementation I like the 
first one (or something similar to the first one) more, it looks cleaner 
and leaves space for additional optimizations.

On 12.11.2012 17:14, deadalnix wrote:
> Le 12/11/2012 16:00, luka8088 a écrit :
>> If I understood correctly there is no reason why this should not
>> compile ?
>> import core.sync.mutex;
>> class MyClass {
>> void method () {}
>> }
>> void main () {
>> auto myObject = new shared(MyClass);
>> synchronized (myObject) {
>> myObject.method();
>> }
>> }
> D has no ownership, so the compiler can't know what
> if it is safe to do so or not.

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