half datatype?

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 05:16:26 PST 2012

11/18/2012 4:41 PM, Manu пишет:
>         The alternative us to use ushort everywhere, which is awkward,
>         because
>         it is neither unsigned, nor is it an integer, and it's not typesafe
>         (allows direct assignment to ints and stuff)...
>         It would be nice if: cast(half)someFloat would yield the proper
>         value,
>         even if it is performed in software in most architectures, it
>         could be
>         mapped to hardware for those that do it.
>     I guess half(someFloat) will do for conversion.
> How do you define 'will do'? It still behaves differently than proper types.
> someFloat = someDouble without a cast is a compile error, likewise
> should be true in this case, but I don't know how to do that.
> someHalf = someFloat should require an explicit cast too, or use a 1.0h
> literal ;)

The point was it does now. Wrapper struct doesn't accept direct 
assignments from float (unless you want it to and defined opAssign to do 

alias this trick makes it magical r-value of type float where it makes 
sense. Obviously on assignment it doesn't ;)

In code:
half myHalf = half(1.23);
myHalf = 35; //doesn't compile
myHalf = half(35); //works

The example though demonstrates one painful limitation of a wrapper - 
no value range propagation. Basically since 35 fits into a half, no 
explicit cast should be needed.

And that's a big deal sometimes:
ubyte flags = 0x80 | 0x40; //no casts, thank God

>     Everything but hardware support is doable as is. I'm not sure if
>     it's possible and/or feasible to make _efficient_ wrapper type that
>     uses hardware support.
>     The easiest path seems to be:
>     - convince GDC to add __fp16 type as an extension that maps to GCC's one
>     - use it on GDC, and fallback to emulation on DMD
>     That being said I personally have no objections to add half type to
>     built-ins in DMD.
> I'm sure it's already accessible in GDC,

Good to know.

> The point would be to name the type, add the conversion functions to
> druntime for fallback/portability, and a literal 1.0h would be handy to
> identify the type to templates.

Mmm the literal. Dunno but '1h' looks like 1 hour to me :)

Another trick to pull is to use UFCS:

@property auto hf(T)(T value)
if(isFloatingPoint!T || isIntegral!T)
	return half(value);

Then 1.0.hf && 32.hf both should work. Not as nice as true suffix but 
damn close.

Dmitry Olshansky

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