__gshared implicitly convertible to shared?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Tue Nov 20 11:14:13 PST 2012

Would it make sense to make it so that __gshared implicitly converted to 
shared? It's my understanding that the main purpose of __gshared is to be able 
to better interact with C code, but given the issues with shared, lots of 
people have just used __gshared instead of shared. This causes a problem in 
some cases. For instance, none of Mutex's functions are currently shared in 
spite of the fact that it really doesn't make sense to have a Mutex which is 
thread-local, but it can't have all of its functions be only shared, because 
then it wouldn't work with __gshared. That means that in order to work with 
both __gshared and shared, all of its functions must be duplicated, which is 
obviously less than ideal.

So, given that __gshared is shared across threads like shared is (just with 
fewer protections), would it make sense to make it so that __gshared 
implicitly converts to shared? Then a type like Mutex which is intended to be 
shared, can just make all of its member functions shared, and it'll work with 
both __gshared and shared.

It may also be necessary to make shared implicitly convert to __gshared for 
that to work cleanly (particularly when you get stuff like a member function 
returning a reference variable which then must be shared, even if the original 
variable were __gshared - because the function itself is shared), and I don't 
know how big a problem that would be. But I think that the basic idea of 
allowing implicit conversions at least from __gshared to shared (if not shared 
to __gshared) is worth exploring. Is there a major reason why it would be a 
bad idea? My experience with both is limited, and I may just be completely 
missing something here.

- Jonathan M Davis

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