2 problems I can't get my head around

Manu turkeyman at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 09:30:38 PST 2012

On 26 November 2012 19:11, Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Monday, 26 November 2012 at 17:03:41 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> Error: variable isProperty cannot be read at compile time
> that doesn't make any sense :S
>  TL;DR, std.traits is extremely brittle, and rather incomplete. As a
>> programmer with deadlines trying to get work done, it
>> is just not yet acceptable >_<
> I totally get this though... just look at this pile of crap from my web.d,
> which is used in some really ugly conditions.
> I don't even know what it all even does or why it works. It was a few
> weekends of random guessing:
> // these are all filthy hacks
> template isEnum(alias T) if(is(T)) {
> static if (is(T == enum))
> enum bool isEnum = true;
> else
> enum bool isEnum = false;
> }
> // WTF, shouldn't is(T == xxx) already do this?
> template isEnum(T) if(!is(T)) {
> enum bool isEnum = false;
> }
> template isStruct(alias T) if(is(T)) {
> static if (is(T == struct))
> enum bool isStruct = true;
> else
> enum bool isStruct = false;
> }
> // WTF
> template isStruct(T) if(!is(T)) {
> enum bool isStruct = false;
> }
> template Passthrough(T) {
> T Passthrough;
> }
> template PassthroughType(T) {
> alias T PassthroughType;
> }
> Soooo yeah. I'm sure there's a way to get what you want, but I'm equally
> sure you'll have some pain in the mean time that can take a while to figure
> through.

Perhaps, but I've already spent days on this, and many hours of overtime!!
I need to draw the line.
Here's what I have, and it's not even close to working:

template isType( alias T )
enum isType = is( T );
template isType( T )
enum isType = is( T );

template isFunction( alias T )
enum isFunction = is( typeof( T ) == function );
template isFunction( T )
enum isFunction = is( T == function );

template isEnum( alias T )
template knownAtCompileTime( alias T )
// enum knownAtCompileTime = is( typeof( { enum e = T; } ) ); // immutable
breaks this approach
enum knownAtCompileTime = !__traits(compiles, ( ref typeof( T ) _x_ ) {}( T
) ); // hack to see if we can pass it by ref

enum isEnum = is( typeof( T ) == enum ) || knownAtCompileTime!T;
template isEnum( T )
enum isEnum = is( T == enum );

template isProperty( alias T ) if(isCallable!T)
bool isProperty = (functionAttributes!T & FunctionAttribute.property) ?
true : false;
template isProperty( alias T ) if(!isCallable!T)
bool isProperty = false;
template isProperty( T )
bool isProperty = false;

template isVariable( alias T )
enum isVariable = !is( T ) && is( typeof( T ) ) // if it is not a type, and
does have a type, it starts to look like a variable
&& !isFunction!T // reject function definitions, they can't be assigned to
&& !is( typeof( T ) == void ) // reject modules, which appear as a variable
of type 'void'
&& !isEnum!T // reject enum's
&& !isProperty!T; // seriously, why is this not caught by the function test
template isVariable( T )
enum isVariable = false; // types aren't variables

import std.stdio;
struct a { void m(); static void n(); }
alias int b;
interface c { void l(); };
int d;
immutable e = 10;
void function() f;
void delegate() g;
void h() {}
enum i = 10;
enum j { k = 10 }
@property int p() { return 10; }

pragma(msg, "isType");
pragma(msg, isType!int);
pragma(msg, isType!a);
pragma(msg, isType!b);
pragma(msg, isType!c);
pragma(msg, isType!d);
pragma(msg, isType!e);
pragma(msg, isType!f);
pragma(msg, isType!g);
pragma(msg, isType!h);
pragma(msg, isType!i);
pragma(msg, isType!j);
pragma(msg, isType!(j.k));
pragma(msg, isType!(c.l));
pragma(msg, isType!(a.m));
pragma(msg, isType!(a.n));
pragma(msg, isType!p);
pragma(msg, isType!std);

pragma(msg, "isFunction");
pragma(msg, isFunction!int);
pragma(msg, isFunction!a);
pragma(msg, isFunction!b);
pragma(msg, isFunction!c);
pragma(msg, isFunction!d);
pragma(msg, isFunction!e);
pragma(msg, isFunction!f);
pragma(msg, isFunction!g);
pragma(msg, isFunction!h);
pragma(msg, isFunction!i);
pragma(msg, isFunction!j);
pragma(msg, isFunction!(j.k));
pragma(msg, isFunction!(c.l));
pragma(msg, isFunction!(a.m));
pragma(msg, isFunction!(a.n));
pragma(msg, isFunction!p);
pragma(msg, isFunction!std);

pragma(msg, "isEnum");
pragma(msg, isEnum!int);
pragma(msg, isEnum!a);
pragma(msg, isEnum!b);
pragma(msg, isEnum!c);
pragma(msg, isEnum!d);
pragma(msg, isEnum!e);
pragma(msg, isEnum!f);
pragma(msg, isEnum!g);
pragma(msg, isEnum!h);
pragma(msg, isEnum!i);
pragma(msg, isEnum!j);
pragma(msg, isEnum!(j.k));
pragma(msg, isEnum!(c.l));
pragma(msg, isEnum!(a.m));
pragma(msg, isEnum!(a.n));
pragma(msg, isEnum!p);
pragma(msg, isEnum!std);

pragma(msg, "isProperty");
pragma(msg, isProperty!int);
pragma(msg, isProperty!a);
pragma(msg, isProperty!b);
pragma(msg, isProperty!c);
pragma(msg, isProperty!d);
pragma(msg, isProperty!e);
pragma(msg, isProperty!f);
pragma(msg, isProperty!g);
pragma(msg, isProperty!h);
pragma(msg, isProperty!i);
pragma(msg, isProperty!j);
pragma(msg, isProperty!(j.k));
pragma(msg, isProperty!(c.l));
pragma(msg, isProperty!(a.m));
pragma(msg, isProperty!(a.n));
pragma(msg, isProperty!p);
pragma(msg, isProperty!std);

pragma(msg, "isVariable");
pragma(msg, isVariable!int);
pragma(msg, isVariable!a);
pragma(msg, isVariable!b);
pragma(msg, isVariable!c);
pragma(msg, isVariable!d);
pragma(msg, isVariable!e);
pragma(msg, isVariable!f);
pragma(msg, isVariable!g);
pragma(msg, isVariable!h);
pragma(msg, isVariable!i);
pragma(msg, isVariable!j);
pragma(msg, isVariable!(j.k));
pragma(msg, isVariable!(c.l));
pragma(msg, isVariable!(a.m));
pragma(msg, isVariable!(a.n));
pragma(msg, isVariable!p);
pragma(msg, isVariable!std);
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