Array reverse

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Tue Nov 27 16:29:59 PST 2012


> Could you maybe also add this in your study?
> void reverseArr(T)(T[] arr) {
>     for (auto x = arr.ptr, y = &arr[$ - 1]; x < y; )
>         swap(*x++, *y--);
> }

This is the full program:

import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
import std.algorithm: reverse, swap;

void reverseArr(T)(T[] arr) {
     for (auto x = arr.ptr, y = &arr[$ - 1]; x < y; ) {
         auto aux = *x;
         *x++ = *y;
         *y-- = aux;

void reverseArray(T)(T[] arr) {
     for (auto x = arr.ptr, y = &arr[$ - 1]; x < y; )
         swap(*x++, *y--);

void main() {
     auto a = [10, 20, 30, 40];
     foreach(x; a) printf("%d ", x); printf("\n");
     foreach(x; a) printf("%d ", x); printf("\n");
     foreach(x; a) printf("%d ", x); printf("\n");
     foreach(x; a) printf("%d ", x); printf("\n");

And this is the asm of the reverseArray:

         push EBX
         mov ECX, 0Ch[ESP]
         mov EBX, 0Ch[ESP]
         push ESI
         mov ESI, 0Ch[ESP]
         lea ESI, -4[ESI*4][ECX]
         push EDI
         cmp ECX, ESI
         jae L30
L1A:    mov EAX, EBX
         mov EDI, ESI
         mov EDX, [EAX]
         mov ECX, [EDI]
         add EBX, 4
         sub ESI, 4
         mov [EAX], ECX
         cmp EBX, ESI
         mov [EDI], EDX
         jb  L1A
L30:    pop EDI
         pop ESI
         pop EBX
         ret 8

So the inner loop is 10 asm instructions instead of the 8 asm 
instructions of the loop of reverseArr(), that is 2 more register 
swaps, that are performed very quickly by the hardware register 
renaming in the modern CPUs. So this is a small difference, 
probably acceptable in many situations. While the difference 
between the performance of reverseArray() and 
std.algorithm.reverse is significant.

> Related, the starting condition, as written: "y = &arr[$ - 1]" 
> will choke on empty ranges.
> I'd have suggested: "y = arr.ptr + arr.length - 1", but that 
> will also choke if the arr.ptr is null. I'd say you should just 
> add an empty short-circuit test int there.

Right. But my study was mostly about what's inside the loop of 
those functions. What's outside the loop is not influencing 
performance significantly.


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