Fixing cyclic import static construction problems

Manfred Nowak svv1999 at
Thu Nov 29 04:58:11 PST 2012

Walter Bright wrote:

> It means that [...] the static constructor for this
> module may be run before

This is sufficient only for a simple cycle without any branches 
or a trivial clique like the one shown. Please recall, that in a 
clique every member is connected to every other member---in this 
case by an import statement.

It is already not sufficient for a simple clique consisting of 
three modules, because now orderinh would be given for the 
remaining two modules.

And it is ambiguous if both of the modules in the example given 
are marked with that pragma.

In general a topological sorting has to be specified for all 
strongly connected components of the graph of imports.

This cannot be done within the module, because this would bind 
the module to that special strongly connected component in that 
special set of  modules. Which in turn would destroy reusability 
of the module for other programming tasks.

Therefore: marking with a pragma isn't a fix for the depicted 



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