Breaking D2 language/spec changes with D1 being discontinued in a month

deadalnix deadalnix at
Thu Nov 29 11:53:12 PST 2012

On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 19:30:00 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Isn't this only necessary if the new feature depends on said 
> breaking
> changes? If not, it can be safely merged in. If it's a trivial 
> change
> like a syntax change, the stable maintainer can simply fix it 
> by hand
> and merge it in anyway.

New code means new bugs. This is why most project use the 3 
numbers version. Eventually, if you add a new module to phobos, 
people use it, and even if you don't you ends up using it 
indirectly and you get the bugs.

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