Errors compiling DSSS

Rob T rob at
Fri Nov 30 12:02:47 PST 2012

On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 19:35:38 UTC, jerro wrote:
> If you are writing a build tool, I don't imagine writing those 
> few extra lines to convert relative paths to absolute would be 
> a problem.

How does the script know what is a relative path and what is not? 
It's not that easy, and the programmer should not have to be 
fooling around solving non-productive problems like this.

>> You make a very good point about the static ifs and so on, 
>> which means the best place to get that kind of information is 
>> directly from the compiler during the build process
> And you already can get that info from the compiler using -deps 
> flag.

But it does not supply enough information and the -deps thing 
externalizes the build process, which only supports the 
externalized build mess. The whole thing was designed based on 
using an external build process, but I don't think it has to be 
done in that way.

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