Getting started with D - Phobos documentation sucks

David Piepgrass qwertie256 at
Mon Oct 1 07:42:06 PDT 2012

> I think documentation is really important, and something has to 
> be done about it. How can a newcomer get started with D when he 
> doesn't have a readable documentation of Phobos?

A couple of random things I'd like to see:

1. Improve index.html. It's the first thing new users are likely 
to see about Phobos and it appears to contain an overview of the 
modules, but in fact it only lists half the modules of Phobos and 
the description of most modules is too short  to be useful. There 
should also be a getting-started guide that lists the most common 
data types and functions and which module contains them (to!T, 
Tuple, writeln, ....) and it should also discuss the 'built-in' 
types for completeness, like slices, hashes and strings, since in 
other languages these are standard library components.)

2. To make the documentation easier to Google, put the keyword 
"D2" on every page of the Phobos documentation, e.g. the heading 
could change from "std.file" to "std.file (D2)". Nowadays when I 
search for something about "D Language", I often find a page 
about D1 instead of D2.

The "articles" should be reviewed too. For example the page on 
tuples makes it sound like you're 
supposed to define your own Tuple type instead of using the one 
in std.typecons; in fact it suggests

template Tuple(E...) { alias E Tuple; }

which is really a TypeTuple isn't it?

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