D seems interesting, but...

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Mon Oct 15 04:39:49 PDT 2012

On 2012-10-15 11:58, Don Clugston wrote:

> I tried that on both Windows and Ubuntu, and couldn't get it to work on
> either of them. I posted a couple of bug reports eight months ago, and
> they still haven't been fixed. Not recommended for anyone who is having
> problems with their installation.

I know it's not a perfect tool and it contains bugs but most things do 
work. I don't know which issues have been reported by you, but it seems 
there's a problem with the "-l" flag. Running "dvm install 2.060" 
usually works. Could you please point out which issues have been 
reported by you.

I have very limited time to work with D, as I understand most people 
here has, and I'm currently working on other projects than DVM since 
basically does what I intended it to do when I started the project.

It seems most D installers are broken in one way or another. But the 
success rate with DVM seems to be quite high anyway.

/Jacob Carlborg

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