make install; where do .di files go?

Manu turkeyman at
Thu Oct 18 00:29:35 PDT 2012

On 18 October 2012 09:22, David Nadlinger <see at> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 17 October 2012 at 23:33:44 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> That I support his comments and suggestion.
> Oh, really just that then. I wasn't quite sure if you were still
> worried about
>  Although that seems sad; D shouldn't identify its self as
>> the second coming of D, since that basically implies that the first
>> coming was a failure.
> David

1) if there IS legitimate concern of conflict with D1, then it must be /d2,
I'm just dubious that any conflict would actually exist, and new-comers
(ideally, the majority of the community in the future) would probably
presume /d and wonder what this /d2 is all about. Someone mentioned the
tango object.di case... I don't know anything about that, but I'll presume
others know better than me.
and 2) I don't really care where it is, I would just like an answer that is
agree'd by the various compilers, and which is included in each of their
search paths by default. How can one make a build script for their apps
when it's not consistent where libraries are to be found?
A package manager is all well and good, but it doesn't exist yet. We need
to nominate a standard path in the mean time.

I don't have to go adding -I/usr/include when compiling C code, that's the
point. If a lib was installed by some standard distribution, you should
just be able to use it in your app without trouble. This is particularly
important when dealing with D bindings for C libs, since it basically has
to work within the C conventions to find the lib, the headers should be
distributed similarly.
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