On D development

Robert jfanatiker at gmx.at
Wed Oct 24 00:38:40 PDT 2012

When reading stuff, like: "Yes this is bad, but people use it already,
so we could only possible change this in D3 or something" and reading
endless discussions about a new feature (e.g. ref semantics) of how it
could break things and so on, I thought it might be a good idea to
implement new features in an experimental version, which can then be
thoroughly tested and only if nothing bad found they will be merged in
the stable branch. People simply have to be aware that they should not
rely on semantics implemented in experimental.

Discussions about new features before their are implemented would of
course still be a very good idea, but it would reduce the pressure a
bit, because you can simply try. This does not solve everything, because
some issues will only pop up if used for a long time or only in real
complicated production code, but I think it is better than the approach
of having no way back?

I don't believe this idea is entirely new or maybe I am missing
something. What do you think?

Best regards,


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