Another day in the ordeal of cartesianProduct

Don Clugston dac at
Mon Oct 29 07:47:36 PDT 2012

On 27/10/12 00:45, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> :-(
> (The code there is called cartesianProd but it's the reduced code, so it
> doesn't really compute the cartesian product. But that's where it's
> from.)
> So far, the outstanding blockers for cartesianProduct are:
> 1) Compiler bug which causes unittest failure:
> 	std/range.d(4629): Error: variable lower used before set
> 	std/range.d(4630): Error: variable upper used before set
> (Jonathan had a pull request with a Phobos workaround for this, which I
> _think_ is already merged, but the autotester is still failing at this
> point. :-/)
> 2) Issue 8542 (crosstalk between template instantiations)
> 3) And now, issue 8900 (zip fails to compile with repeat(char[]))
> So there's still no joy for cartesianProduct. :-(
> I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Phobos bugs related to ranges and
> std.algorithm. I think we need to increase the number of unittests. And
> by that I mean, GREATLY increase the number of unittests. Most of the
> current tests are merely sanity tests for the most common usage
> patterns, most basic types, or tests added as a result of fixed bugs.
> This is inadequate.
> We need to actively unittest corner cases, rare combinations, unusual
> usages, etc.. Torture test various combinations of range constructs.
> Algorithms. Nested range constructs. Nested algorithms. Deliberately
> cook up nasty tests that try their best to break the code by using
> unusual parameters, unusual range-like objects, strange data, etc.. Go
> beyond the simple cases to test non-trivial things.  We need unittests
> that pass unusual structs and objects into the range constructs and
> algorithms, and make sure they actually work as we have been _assuming_
> they should.
> I have a feeling there are a LOT of bugs lurking in there behind
> overlooked corner cases, off by 1 errors, and other such careless slips,
> as well as code that only works for basic types like arrays, which
> starts breaking when you hand it something non-trivial.  All these
> issues must be weeded out and prevented from slipping back in.
> Here's a start:
> - Create a set of structs/classes (inside a version(unittest) block)
>    that are input, forward, bidirectional, output, etc., ranges, that are
>    NOT merely arrays.
> - There should be some easy way, perhaps using std.random, of creating
>    non-trivial instances of these things.  These should be put in a
>    separate place, perhaps outside the std/ subdirectory, where they can
>    be imported into unittest blocks by std.range, std.algorithm, whatever
>    else that needs extensive testing.
> - Use these ranges as input for testing range constructs and algorithms.
> - For best results, use a compile-time loop to loop over a given
>    combination of these range types, and run them through the same set of
>    tests. This will improve the currently spotty test coverage.  Perhaps
>    provide some templated functions that, given a set of range types
>    (from the above structs/classes) and a set of functions, run through
>    all combinations of them to make sure they all work. (We run unittests
>    separately anyway, we aren't afraid of long-running tests.)
> T

I think that unit tests aren't very effective without code coverage.

One fairly non-disruptive thing we could do: implement code coverage for 
templates. Currently, templates get no code coverage numbers.
We could do a code-coverage equivalent for templates: which lines 
actually got instantiated?
I bet this would show _huge_ gaps in the existing test suite.

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