One-line FFT, nice!

Mehrdad wfunction at
Sat Sep 8 15:56:48 PDT 2012

I was pretty excited to figure out that a one-liner FFT is
possible in D!
creal[] dft(creal[] v) { return v.length > 1 ? (p => chain(map!(q
=> q[0] + q[1])(p), map!(q => q[0] -
q[1])(p)))(zip(dft(v.stride(2).array()), map!(p => p[1] *
expi(p[0] * -2 * PI / v.length))(zip(iota(v.length / 2),
dft(v.drop(1).stride(2).array()))))).array() : v; }

Of course, the Python version is still shorter:
def dft(v): return (lambda e, o: map(add, e, o) + map(sub, e,
o))(dft(v[0::2]), [o * rect(1, k * -2 * pi / len(v)) for k, o in
enumerate(dft(v[1::2]))]) if len(v) > 1 else v

but it's still cool (barring the unreadability, haha).
Yay D!

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