I have a feature request: "Named enum scope inference"

Tommi tommitissari at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 28 18:55:48 PDT 2012

I have a feature request: "Named enum scope inference"

The idea is, that whenever a named enum value is expected, you 
don't need to explicitly specify the scope of the enum value. 
This would reduce redundancy in typing, just like automatic type 
inference does.


enum MyDirection { forward, reverse }

struct MyIterator(MyDirection dir)

int forward = 42; // Doesn't interfere with the next line...
auto itr = MyIterator!forward(); // Infers MyDirection.forward


enum MyLockType { read, read_write }

struct MyScopedLock
     this(MyMutex mutex, MyLockType lockType)

shared MyMutex g_mutex;
auto scopedLock = MyScopedLock(g_mutex, read_write);
// Infered MyLockType.read_write

// Side note: Compare the above to having a boolean flag...
auto scopedLock = MyInferiorScopedLock(g_mutex, true);
// ... and you have to read the docs to know what 'true' means


enum MyFruit { apple, orange, banana }

MyFruit fruit;

switch (fruit)
     case apple:  break; // Case expressions know what type to
     case orange: break; // expect based on the switch expression
     case banana: break;

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