Request for review - std.serialization (orange)

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Tue Apr 2 07:52:38 PDT 2013

On 2013-04-02 15:38, Matt Soucy wrote:

> Unfortunately, only partially correct. Optional isn't an "option", it's
> a way of saying that a field may be specified 0 or 1 times. If two
> messages with the same ID are read and the ID is considered optional in
> the schema, then they are merged.

With "option", I mean you don't have to use it in the schema. But the 
(de)serializer of course need to support this to be fully compliant with 
the spec.

> Packed IS an "option", which can only be done to primitives. It changes
> serialization from:
>  > return!(a=>(MsgType!BufferType | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~
> a.writeProto!BufferType())().reduce!((a,b)=>a~b)();
> to
>  > auto msg =!(writeProto!BufferType)().reduce!((a,b)=>a~b)();
>  > return (2 | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~ msg.length.toVarint() ~ msg;
> (Actual snippets from my partially-complete protocol buffer library)
> If you had a struct that matches that schema (PB messages have value
> semantics) then yes, in theory you could do something to serialize the
> struct based on the schema, but you'd have to maintain both separately.

Just compile the schema to a struct with the necessary fields. Perhaps 
not how it's usually done.

> PB is NOT dependent on the order of the fields during serialization,
> they can be sent/received in any order. You could use the schema like
> you mentioned above to tie member names to ids, though.

So if you have a schema like this:

message Person {
   required string name = 1;
   required int32 id = 2;
   optional string email = 3;

1, 2 and 3 will be ids of the fields, and also the order in which they 
are (de)serialized?

Then you could have the archive read the schema, map names to ids and 
archive the ids instead of the names.

> PB uses value semantics, so multiple references to the same thing isn't
> really an issue that is covered.

I see, that kind of sucks, in my opinion.

/Jacob Carlborg

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