Disable GC entirely

Dicebot m.strashun at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 00:53:46 PDT 2013

On Monday, 8 April 2013 at 04:30:56 UTC, Manu wrote:
> I wonder if UDA's could be leveraged to implement this in a 
> library?
> UDA's can not permute the type, so I guess it's impossible to 
> implement
> something like @noalloc that behaves like @nothrow in a 
> library...
> I wonder what it would take, it would be generally interesting 
> to move some
> of the built-in attributes to UDA's if the system is rich 
> enough to express
> it.

Both blessing and curse of UDA's is that they are not part of 
type and thus mangling. I think it is possible to provide library 
implementation of @nogc for cases when all source code is 
available, but for external libraries and separate compilation it 
will become matter of trust which is hardly good.

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