Disable GC entirely

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Mon Apr 8 05:06:39 PDT 2013

On 2013-04-08 12:10, Dicebot wrote:

> Hm, so you propose to use something like Malloced!Data / Stack!Data
> instead of marking whole function with @nogc? Interesting, I have never
> though about this approach, may be worth trying as proof-of-concept.

I don't know. The thread safe example probably works better with an 
annotated type than nogc.

But the problem is still how to make it not use the GC. I mean, the red 
code/green code talk is more about statically enforce some property of 
your code. If you cannot accomplish that property in your code, 
regardless if it's statically enforced or not, I don't think that talk 
will help.

/Jacob Carlborg

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