Disable GC entirely

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Wed Apr 10 12:54:49 PDT 2013

Am 10.04.2013 20:32, schrieb Simen Kjaeraas:
> On 2013-04-10, 19:46, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> Manu, maybe something you might not be aware:
>> - Smalltalk
>> - Eiffel
>> - Lisp
>> - Java
>> - Self
>> - Dylan
>> - Julia
>> - Objective-C
>> - JavaScript
>> Are just a few examples of languages with virtual semantics for method
>> call. Some of those only offer virtual dispatch actually.
>> Some of them were developed in an age of computer systems that would
>> make today's embedded systems look like High Performance Computing
>> servers.
> The fact that successful languages have been created where virtual
> dispatch is the default, or even the only possibility, does not mean
> that virtual dispatch is not slower than non-virtual, nor, especially,
> that this inefficiency might be a problem in some fields.
> Sure, games have been written in most of these languages. AAA titles
> today have somewhat stricter needs, and virtual dispatch by default is
> most definitely a problem there.
>> Julia is actually a new kid on block, hardly one year old, and already
>> achieves C parity in many benchmarks.
> On their website (http://julialang.org/), they show two such benchmarks,
> both of which seem to be exactly the kind where virtual dispatch is not
> going to be a problem when you have a JIT.
>> So I think how much could be a problem of D's compilers and not the
>> virtual by default concept in itself.
> Look once more at that list. They're all dynamically typed, have JITs
> or the like (possibly with the exception of Eiffel). In other words,
> they do devirtualization at runtime.

You are right, I just discussing about virtual dispatch in general.

Yeah, maybe it is really not that desired in languages with AOT compilation.


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