PHP extension in D

gedaiu szabobogdan at
Thu Apr 11 23:33:21 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 11 April 2013 at 20:30:28 UTC, Rémy Mouëza wrote:
> On Thursday, 11 April 2013 at 11:28:05 UTC, gedaiu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to extend Php with an extension written in D, and wrap 
>> some D classes in php. My questions are:
>> 1. How I can build a static library(I am using eclipse with 
>> ddt)
>> 2. How I can create methods and create objects in c++ from the 
>> D library.
>> Thanks,
>> Bogdan
> I once tried to make a proof of concept PHP extension in D on an
> Ubuntu Linux. I chose to make it "simple" by letting Swig
> ( do the heavy wrapping work for me. It's then
> becomes quite as much "difficult" as calling some D code from C.
> Below is an outline of the steps it took me to wrap a D function
> for PHP.
> You'll still have to figure out how to make it work nicely with
> Eclipse and on your particular platform, nonetheless it should
> help you getting started.
> Note that this approach could also be used to call some D code
> from Java, C# or any other language supported by Swig.
> 1. Write / get the D code (speedup.d).
>> import std.stdio , std.string ; import std.conv : to;
>> string speedUp (string msg) {
>>    writefln ("-- %s --", msg);
>>    return `sped up "%s"`.format (msg);
>> }
> 2. make a C API for that code, declaring the functions of that
> API with the "extern (C)" qualifier.
>> extern (C) {
>>    immutable (char) * d_speedUp (char * msg) {
>>        return toStringz (speedUp (to!string (msg)));
>>    }
>> }
> 3. Create a Swig interface file for that C API (speedup.i). Also
> add a declaration to the "rt_init" function from the druntime.
>> %module speedup
>> char rt_init (long long);
>> const char * d_speedUp (char * msg);
> 4. run Swig: `swig -php speedup.i`. This will generate several
> files:
>       - speedup_wrap.c
>       - php_speedup.h
>       - speedup.php
> Now we've got to compile all those parts together: we want to
> generate a "" dynamic library object from all that we
> got.
> 5. From what I researched, dmd (at least on Linux) needs to see 
> a
> main function to properly generate all the code of the druntime
> within the dynamic library/shared object it generates.  We will
> trick it by adding a fake main function (dfakemain.d):
>> void main () {}
> 6. compile dfakemain.d:
>> dmd -c dfakemain.d
> 7. compile speedup.o:
>> dmd -fPIC -c -L-shared dfakemain.o speedup.d
> 8. compile speedup_wrap.o, you'll need to have everything needed
> to compile extension for PHP on your platform:
>> gcc `php-config --includes` -fpic -c speedup_wrap.c
> 9. compile, our target:
>> dmd -shared speedup_wrap.o dfakemain.o speedup.o
> 10. If everything went well so far, you can now try your
> extension within a script (dmd_speedup.php):
>> <?php rt_init (0); // initialize the D runtime. echo d_speedUp 
>> ("hello from php"), "\n";
> You can launch the script with extension loading enabled with a
> command line such like this one:
>> php -d enable_dl=1 -d extension=`pwd`/ 
>> dmd_speedup.php
> It should then output:
>> -- hello from php --
>> sped up "hello from php"
> Now, one could imagine to get a bit further by automating all
> that, like using the json output from dmd to generate a swig
> interface file and a nice OOP interface on the PHP side, but 
> this
> would be much more work.
> Have fun!

@Rémy Mouëza Thanks a lot!
@Denis Shelomovskij sorry... this is my first post here, i will 
try to be careful next time when i post here next time..

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