*trying* to starting using D

Diggory diggsey at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 19 16:40:56 PDT 2013

I'm new to D, and I'm trying to port a very small win32 opengl 
app (~100 lines) from C++ to D but the bindings just don't seem 
up to it...

Firstly a significant portion of wingdi.h seems to be missing 
from the default windows bindings which come with phobos, enough 
to make initialising an opengl context impossible.

Eventually I found the bindings project - 
"http://www.dsource.org/projects/bindings" - which appears to 
have the relevant definitions but compilation still fails with a 
series of errors such as "Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
_ChoosePixelFormat at 8"

I assume this is a linker problem but I have no idea what I'm 
supposed to link in, and only a rough idea of how I'd actually do 

The opengl bindings from that same binding project seem to be 
written for an old version of D as they don't compile. I replaced 
all the "typedef"s with "alias" and moved it into a directory 
named "c" to match the module name and that seemed to work 
although I then got more errors like above.

I found the opengl bindings in "derelict" but that has too many 
dependencies for my liking.

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