Stable D version?

Chris Cain clcain at
Mon Apr 22 21:33:23 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, 23 April 2013 at 04:27:45 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:
> ?!??!

I'm confused by why you might be confused by this. opEquals by 
default is simply a bit-level value check.

"x" and "x".idup are two different things.

"x" might be:
   ptr = 0xDEADBEEF
   length = 1

and "x".idup might be:
   ptr = 0xDEADBEEE
   length = 1

Clearly they are not equal. If you have a particular definition 
that isn't the same as the the bit-level basic equality, you have 
a method of defining it.

For why the compiler treats them the same... well, it simply 
doesn't create a new place for "x".idup. Simple optimization that 
doesn't matter unless you're comparing their identity.

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