[ gtkD ] Question about mouse press event in Notebook ...

Super666666Super super666666super at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 23:13:11 PDT 2013

"The begingMoveDrag call in mousepressevent makes it so that you 
drag the window around when holding the left mouse on on of the 
tabs. And that prevents you from reordering the tabs."
I understand, thanks for the valuable information.

"What are you trying to achieve with mousepressevent?"
I want to:
*have undecorated window with Notebook - ok, no problem
*reorderable tabs - ok, no problem
*begin move window when press on Notebook - I need that

Can I check if the mouse is above a tab in Notebook with mouse 
move / motion event ?
If I could do it, then I can put a condition that checks it and 
assigns a value to a Boolean variable.
Thus, in the event of pressing the left mouse button I check this 
variable and dependent on this I can move a window or not.

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