How to output asm list file with dmd?

SteveGuo steveguo at
Tue Aug 6 02:50:52 PDT 2013

Here is a complete dmd switches output, but I can't find a switch 
which can output list file.

DMD64 D Compiler v2.063.2
Copyright (c) 1999-2013 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
   dmd files.d ... { -switch }

   files.d        D source files
   @cmdfile       read arguments from cmdfile
   -c             do not link
   -cov           do code coverage analysis
   -cov=nnn       require at least %nnn code coverage
   -D             generate documentation
   -Dddocdir      write documentation file to docdir directory
   -Dffilename    write documentation file to filename
   -d             silently allow deprecated features
   -dw            show use of deprecated features as warnings 
   -de            show use of deprecated features as errors (halt 
   -debug         compile in debug code
   -debug=level   compile in debug code <= level
   -debug=ident   compile in debug code identified by ident
   -debuglib=name    set symbolic debug library to name
   -defaultlib=name  set default library to name
   -deps=filename write module dependencies to filename
   -g             add symbolic debug info
   -gc            add symbolic debug info, pretend to be C
   -gs            always emit stack frame
   -gx            add stack stomp code
   -H             generate 'header' file
   -Hddirectory   write 'header' file to directory
   -Hffilename    write 'header' file to filename
   --help         print help
   -Ipath         where to look for imports
   -ignore        ignore unsupported pragmas
   -inline        do function inlining
   -Jpath         where to look for string imports
   -Llinkerflag   pass linkerflag to link
   -lib           generate library rather than object files
   -m32           generate 32 bit code
   -m64           generate 64 bit code
   -main          add default main() (e.g. for unittesting)
   -man           open web browser on manual page
   -map           generate linker .map file
   -noboundscheck turns off array bounds checking for all functions
   -O             optimize
   -o-            do not write object file
   -odobjdir      write object & library files to directory objdir
   -offilename    name output file to filename
   -op            preserve source path for output files
   -profile       profile runtime performance of generated code
   -property      enforce property syntax
   -quiet         suppress unnecessary messages
   -release       compile release version
   -run srcfile args...   run resulting program, passing args
   -shared        generate shared library (DLL)
   -transition=id show additional info about language change 
identified by 'id'
   -transition=?  list all language changes
   -unittest      compile in unit tests
   -v             verbose
   -version=level compile in version code >= level
   -version=ident compile in version code identified by ident
   -vtls          list all variables going into thread local 
   -w             warnings as errors (compilation will halt)
   -wi            warnings as messages (compilation will continue)
   -X             generate JSON file
   -Xffilename    write JSON file to filename

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