John Colvin john.loughran.colvin at
Mon Aug 19 17:02:34 PDT 2013

On Sunday, 18 August 2013 at 08:40:33 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> Luminousone, Atash, John,
> Thanks for the email exchanges on this, there is a lot of good 
> stuff in
> there that needs to be extracted from the mail threads and 
> turned into a
> "manifesto" type document that can be used to drive getting a 
> design and
> realization together. The question is what infrastructure would 
> work for
> us to collaborate. Perhaps create a GitHub group and a 
> repository to act
> as a shared filestore?
> I can certainly do that bit of admin and then try and start a 
> document
> summarizing the email threads so far, if that is a good way 
> forward on
> this.

I just downloaded cl4d and tried it: The non-derelict example 
compiles and runs, straight out of the box :)

Also, I found this fork:  which 
appears to have swapped out the static bindings for the dynamic 
ones in derelict.

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